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Offered via Google Forms as an 

Outcomes-Driven & Trauma-Informed Resource Library of Assessments, Forms, & Tools to Augment Your Child Welfare, HHS & Immigration focused Continuous Improvement Processes,


Or as a Comprehensive Case Management Solution Designed to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness as well as Meet or Exceed Accountability Efforts

​Powered By

Developed by

Delivered by

Elite Systems Integrator


Available via


As an Advanced Assessments Package via Google Forms, or as a Scoped-App (COTS) Built on Top of the ServiceNow  SaaS Platform, 

will Deliver...

  • Efficient Strategic Timelines to Implementation

  • Client-Centered Case Management Technology

  • Outcomes-Driven & Trauma-Informed Solutions

  • Organizational Change Support

  • Advanced Analytics Guided by Predictive Modeling

  • Evidence-Driven Decision-Making Methodologies

  • Increased Efficiency, Effectiveness, & Safety across the Systems of Care

“The Most Comprehensive Solution on The CCWIS Market!"

Source: State Child Welfare Director

Want to See Why?
Please Click the Arrow Below for a Solution Overview Video on 

How VitalChild-VitalClient's End-to-End Holistic Approach Supports Comprehensive Child Welfare Information Systems (CCWIS) from Intake to Forever Home.

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Offers a Connected Multi-Dimensional Modular Approach...

Built upon ServiceNow's modern cloud platform, our Intellectual Property (IP) provides a modular-based research methodology for documenting and guiding data collection, storage, retrieval, analysis, and reporting of evidence. Consisting of the intake, investigation, case management, assessments, analytics & reporting, placement, provider licensing/application, financial management, and training, VitalChild-VitalClient's connected modules “speak with each other” so data collected across agencies is shared across modules, accessible in real-time to authorized users, and used to guide evidence-driven decision making.

Offers an End-to-End, Holistic Research-Based Methodology to  Monitor & Guide Safety & Permanency Efforts... 

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With the ServiceNow Enterprise Platform Serving as the Foundation for VitalChild-VitalClient, You Get a Proactive, Preventative, & Proven Solution!  

We Get It... We've Been There!

  • As youth, caregivers, and staff, we have walked the long path through Health & Human Services (HHS), Children Protective Services (CPS), Foster Care, Juvenile Justice,  Residential Treatment, & the Courts.


  • The VitalChild-VitalClient team consists of specialists, professors, psychologists, statisticians, and technologists with decades of experience in the public and private sectors.


  • With an extensive professional footprint assessing and supporting at-risk youth, adults, and families, we come to you with an unprecedented foundation for understanding the challenges of your demanding work.

Why Choose VitalChild-VitalClient?

 What's the Big Diff?

Consider This...

IF No Fully Functional CCWIS is Truly Being Utilized in Child Welfare,

& Case Management Modernization is just Starting in HHS & ORR.

THEN How Many Kids, Adults, and Families have other

“New” Case Management Solutions Actually Assessed?

What The Big Diff?
What We Offer is... Established. Tested. Reliable. Valid.

  • Across 27 states, MDed’s methods and proprietary assessment IP have been used for evidence-driven research, advanced analytics, and reporting.


  • Working with more than 155 state and local agencies, VitalChild-VitalClient's tools have evaluated approximately 2 million youth, adults, caregivers, & staff across K12 and at-risk populations focused orgs.


  • MDed developed their VitalChild-VitalClient youth/caretaker focused research-based methodologies, resource library of reliable and valid assessments, and statistical syntax for automated reporting, while managing more than $20 Million in K12 and at-risk youth focused grants funded by National Science Foundation, U.S Department of Education, and Department of Justice.

We Created

with Your Outcomes in Mind

Development of the VitalChild-VitalClient solution, powered by ServiceNow, began with visualizing how to best assess and utilize the outcomes you seek to achieve. With experience evaluating more than 2 million youth , caregivers, and staff, our team knows that such outcomes are required to determine:


What is working,

What is not  working,

 and Why.

Such outcomes (dependent variables), along with better process evaluation, are required to empower robust predictive modeling analytics and inform Artificial Intelligence (AI).


To achieve safer, more effective, and longer-lasting outcomes, you need better measures and methods. Beyond short term issues related to intake, investigation, and placement, the solution must also inform decisions that lead to successful long-term support, permanency, and optimal case resolution for your clients. 

Want to Learn More?

Check Out Our STATS101 Tutorial!

Please click the arrow below to learn more why AI, algorithms, and SDM screening tools fall short in Child Welfare/HHS and discover VitalChild-VitalClient’s approach to preventative-proactive-predictive case management.

Lessons Learned...
                    & Challenges We Seek to Help You Avoid with

As Stats Professors & Technologists We've Discovered...
that a case management solution will only be as good as the data it collects, connects, analyzes, and uses to guide evidence-driven decision making.

As Organizational Change Specialists & Psychologists We've Found...

that What Gets Measured,
Gets Managed!
Unfortunately, some who awarded at-risk youth and family focused case management contracts (e.g., CCWIS) have learned these lessons the hard way… 

Departments have canceled contracts and released additional RFP and RFI to find the missing assessment tools, analytics, and technology needed to inform intelligent decision making related to guiding intake, investigation, case management, services, and safe placement. This is part of the reason why no truly functional or impressive CCWIS exists... We can help.

Can Empower Outcomes-Driven & Trauma-Informed Approaches! 

As you probably know, adopting basically an electronic version of the processes and forms used today could result in more quickly and more often making the same decisions currently feeding unfortunate headlines across Health & Human Services agencies. To transform workflows, routines, assessment, evidence-driven decision making and outcomes, new technology must offer more.

With VitalChild-VitalClient's advanced assessments and analytics augmenting your current forms and tools, we deliver more than just a modern solution. VitalChild-VitalClient provides an innovative, trauma-informed, and holistic methodology to achieving improved outcomes across your systems of care.

Imagine if These were The Outcomes You & Your Clients…  Focused on, Documented, Experienced, & Could Take Pride In.

Powered by

Offers the Best of Both Worlds!

  • An Advanced Outcomes-Driven & Trauma-Informed Case Management Solution App Delivered on ServiceNow’s Proven Enterprise Level Platform

  • ServiceNow’s Case-Focused PSDS, CSM, and Government Regulations & Compliance (GRC) Capabilities

  • Increased Performance, Functionality, and Scalability to Extend the Solution and Connect Finances, Outcomes, Policy, and Processes Across Agencies 

Father and Son Playing

Discover Real-Time Data Collection,  Integrated Care Passports,
Automated Reporting...

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By helping you collect higher quality data across agencies, our operational and predictive analysis can more safely be completed to intelligently configure modules to produce alerts and ticklers for treatment protocol and placement recommendations. Essential to evidence-driven decision making, this information often connected to APS and CPS reports of neglect and abuse, investigations, case management, placement, and licensing, can be used to empower outcomes monitoring of clients and providers managed by human services and other agencies within the public sector.

See The Big Picture 

Case Management Technology to Support & Connect
Your Whole Workforce
Across the Systems of Care


 Supports Adult and Youth Clients

  • Departments functioning in silos often face challenges to share information, coordinate services, and optimize outcomes.

  • The Overlap of Clients across these agencies and departments illustrates the need for a new case management solution to be scalable across HHS and beyond.

  • Modernization allows us to understand the intersection of services, improve allocation of resources, and more closely monitor response to interventions.

  • Powered by ServiceNow, VitalChild-VitalClient can monitor youth and adult clients as well as the others in their family system receiving services across HHS & ORR.

Recent Articles by the Professors of 

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Meet the Partners & Professors Behind


Michael W.






Education Inc.

Corrigan is a well published author, psychologist, and associate professor/director of research (with most recent appointments at Marshall University & Ohio State University). Mike specializes in at-risk youth, human development, research methods, and statistical analysis. He has consulted for more than 155 states, school districts, and child focused organizations, as well as directed the investigative efforts for more than $19.5 million in federal research projects funded by National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice. He also has years of personal and professional experience related to child welfare, foster care and juvenile justice.


Dr. Robert



VP of Child Welfare & HHS​


Education Inc.

Foltz is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in Illinois and Michigan. With nearly 30 years in the field, Foltz spent more than 18 years working within residential treatment centers for severely troubled youth, initially as a clinician and then in administrative positions. Bob has consulted with a variety of residential treatment centers and state level DCFS advisory boards and has been a Board member on the Association of Children’s Residential Centers for many years. Throughout this time, Dr. Foltz has maintained a private practice for nearly 20 years.


Dr. Doug






Education Inc.

Grove is an associate provost/professor with an extensive background in Leadership, Organizational Change Management, and Online Instructional Learning. As a respected professor and administrator, Grove has taught courses on assessment, statistics, research design and accountability. Doug’s broad experience in evaluating youth wellbeing includes the management of numerous state and federal grants with Dr. Corrigan, as well as many other local education agency-based initiatives on the West Coast. He has worked in numerous government administrative roles.





VP of 



Education Inc.

Knighton is a respected Customer Experience Technologist who served as one of the chief engineers developing VitalChild-VitalClient’s Case Management Solution. Lowell has assisted many states in developing and adopting IT systems to better manage demands related to wide variety of public sector issues and has helped large Fortune 100 corporations create solutions to maximize customer experience and organizational efficiency.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about VitalChild-VitalClient, or scheduling a demo? Want to find out more about the consulting services we provide related to providing gap analysis of public sector data  functionality or our trauma-informed care and mental health trainings? If so, please reach out to one of the partners or complete the form to follow. Thank you for your interest and we will get back to you shortly.

Playing Basketball

We have Offices in Columbus. Ohio (HQ), Chicago, Illinois, and Newport Beach, California.

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